Author: WLE team

REF 22310The objectives of this training are:Knowledge of legislation related to sludgeUnderstand the elements of a sludge lineUnderstand the performance and selection criteria for waste treatment and recoveryKnow the operating principles of the technologies studiedThe program of this training is the following:Study regulations related to...

REF 22309The objectives of this training are:Know the principles and potential of phytopurification systemsKnow the main design criterias and operating rangesEvaluate a sewage feasibility study and monitor its implementationThe program of this training is the following:Reminder of regulations for the treatment of residual urban waterPrincipal...

REF 22308The objective of this training is:Know, understand and size a sewage water treatment system by lagooningThe program of this training is the following:Principle of lagooningPre-treatmentLagoon treatment : principleTreatment stepsExemple of implementationIn a rural areaTreatment process of biological effluentIn urban areasCalculation and sizingKnowledge of the...

REF 22307The objectives of this training are:Describe the processes of compact wastewater treatment unitsMaster key selection criteria and sizing of these processesThe program of this training is the following:Lamellar settlingBiofiltrationOdor removalMBRSBRUV disinfectionFor more information please contact ...

REF 22306 The objectives of this training are: Determine the biological and physico-chemicalphenomena implemented in nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal Conduct the monitoring and optimization of the plants which must remove phophates and nitrates The program of this training is the following: Problems related to the presence of nitrogen and...

REF 22305The objectives of this training are:Apply calculations on characteristic parameters of activated sludge on its own treatment plantPreset the running time of the main equipment: aeration, recirculation, excess sludge extraction systemsSelect the correct rate of activated sludge for the treatment plantThe program of this...

REF 22304The objectives of this training are:Mastering the main criterias to design an activated sludge sewage treatment plants (water line)Case study of a separated sanitary sewer (EUU)Examine the validity of an offer: case study of a separated sanitary sewer (EUU)The program of this training is...

REF 22303The objective of this training is:Acquire the best engineering practices for the design of sewage treatment plants (prior to this session, we recommend to follow the training: chemistry in sewage water)The program of this training is the following:The various techniques usedLagoonsPhyto-treatmentSettling / digestionTricklingInfiltration of...

REF 22302The objective of this training is:Acquire the best engineering practices for the design of conventional sewage water treatment plantsThe program of this training is the following:The different techniquesActivated sludgePrimary sedimentation and average loadSequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)MBRMBBRThe advantages / disadvantages of the different treatmentsDifferent pretreatmentsThe...

REF 22301The objectives of this training are:Mastering the main design criteria and the different treatment processes for small communitiesDetermine the validity of an offerThe program of this training is the following:Conventional pretreatmentsScreeningGrit removalDegreasingPrimary treatmentSeptic tankDecanter digesterSettling lagoonNatural and aerated lagoonFixed culturesBiological discsTrickling filtersInfiltration-percolation and buried...

REF 22103The objective of this training is:Reminder of the basics (courses taught generaly in addition to a specific course)The program of this training is the following:Remind of the basics in sewage water chemistrySewage water compositionConcentration units commonly usedFiguresThe main design factorsThe techniques used in wastewater...

REF 22102The objective of this training is:Learn the best engineering practices for the design of reagent dosing and preparation systemsThe program of this training is:The main reagents used and their characteristicsAcidsBasesCoagulants and flocculantsOxidizingReducersDosingLiquid reagentsThe powdered reagentsThe gaseous reagentsBy injectorBy dosing pumpBy dynamic loopExample of applicationsLiquid...

REF 22101 The objective of this training is: Reminder of the basics (courses taught, as an introduction to a specific course of water treatment) The program of this training is the following: Recall basic concept Composition of natural waters Concentration units Ionic balance Major contents (TH, TA, TAC, ...

REF 21106The objective of this training is: Discover and understand the desalination market and the offers from the main actorsThe program of this training is the following: The desalination marketCurrent status and trendsKey technologiesThe offer of key playersTreatment linesIntroduction to reverse osmosisHistory of the phenomenonNatural...

REF 21105The objective of this training is:Get a general knowledge of the treatment processes of water used in industryThe program of this training is the following:Production of process waterWater resources (private or public network)Treatment techniquesSpecial treatmentsQuality objectivesChanges of the water quality in networkRegulationCharacteristics of industrial...

REF 21104 The objectives of this training are: Being able to master a «sludge» project from to the dehydration phase Select the most appropriate technology according to the treatment goals and the quality of sludge Size and secure the «sludge» line The program of this training is the following: Determination of...

REF 21103The objectives of this training are:Acquire a general knowledge of sanitationKnow the effects of pollution and treatment regulationsUnderstand the operation of a sewerage systemThe program of this training is the following:Municipal water cycle, pollution settingsImpact of pollution on the environmentActors and regulatory contextNetwork and...

REF 21102 The objective of this training is: Understand the operation of a production and distribution system of drinking water The program of this training is the following: Water resources and water cycles Quality of raw water and treated water: standards and monitoring Purification treatments: conventional and specific treatments Methods of treatment > Coagulation > Flocculation >...

REF 21101The objectives of this training are:Discover and understand the functionning of water treatment structures and treatment technologiesThe program of this training is the following:Production of drinking waterWater resources and pollutions in waterTreatment systems ESO / ESUMain treatment processesWastewater treatmentPollution settings (SS, BOD, COD ...